Stabilizing the Real Estate Market Post-COVID-19

Pittsburgh Business Times article by RIDC President Donald Smith can be read in full here. “As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and a lengthy recession looks like a strong possibility, real estate development is going to grind to a halt. We can begin creating the conditions that will facilitate its re-emergence now, but it will require […]

What does Pittsburgh’s future look like after the pandemic?

  Pittsburgh Business Times article by RIDC President Donald Smith. To read the article in full, click here. “As gloomy as things look through the coronavirus fog and as horrific a human toll as the virus may take, there are reasons to be cautiously optimistic about our economic future.”

RIDC President: The Good News About Brownfield Redevelopment’s Long Time Horizon

Article can be read in full here. “The strong economy and building booms that have taken place in many parts of the country in the past decade have prompted widespread development of new projects, but properties that are clean, shovel ready, primed for construction and for which there is a clear market, are always at […]

Mon Valley Ripe With Economic Development Potential

Discussing the Mon Valley, RIDC President Donald Smith was a panelist at Friday’s Pittsburgh Business Time’s Corridors of Opportunity luncheon. The perception of the Mon Valley hasn’t kept up with what’s really happening there—the corridor has experienced significant growth. Ripe with economic development potential, the Mon Valley is a great location for companies looking for […]

Working with Communities to Earn a Welcoming Reception

Understanding a community’s dynamics and getting its leaders and residents invested in a company’s location plans will lead to a successful project and long-term benefits for all, writes RIDC President Donald Smith in a recent article for Area Development. Companies and developers need to go directly to the community to lay out project plans and […]

Earning & Leveraging Community Support for New Development Projects

RIDC President Donald Smith pens article for National Real Estate Investor Magazine on earning and leveraging community support for new development projects. “Navigating the public approval process for large-scale, transformational real estate projects can be challenging for developers, especially with community residents, community organizations and governmental entities making different, sometimes conflicting requests, which may or […]

Drawing a Maturing Urban Workforce Outside the Central Business District

If a company wants to succeed in drawing — and retaining — a maturing urban workforce to urban fringe communities and beyond, it needs to focus on a location’s quality of life, high-level amenities, and sense of community. President Don Smith writes on this subject for Area Development: Drawing a Maturing Urban Workforce Outside the Central […]

What Property Owners Outside CBDs Can Do To Attract Expanding Industries

“Start-ups and rapidly growing, early stage companies, especially those in exploding new industries like robotics and artificial intelligence, are typically attracted to space that’s centrally located within a city or is near its universities. Nevertheless, city center space is finite and often expensive. While this poses a challenge for young companies that need space that […]

Mill 19: An Industrial Hallmark of Pittsburgh’s Past, Present and Future

“With revival and reuse plans well underway, Mill 19 is becoming more than a reminder of Pittsburgh’s bygone industrial steel era. Steel beam by steel beam, it is being transformed into an industrial hallmark of the city’s, and the country’s, present and future economic growth and prosperity,” says RIDC President Donald Smith in his article […]

Demand Rises for Emerging Tech-Flex Sector

President Donald Smith writes about the emerging tech-flex sector for the latest issue of Real Estate Finance & Investment Magazine. Tech Forge photos by Elliott Cramer and courtesy of Desmone Architects.

Building A Robotics Future in Pittsburgh

TEQ Magazine article “Building A Robotics Future In Pittsburgh From An Industrial Past” takes a look at the burgeoning robotics industry in the city from a commercial real estate perspective. Written by RIDC President Donald Smith, the article can be viewed on page 44 of the June issue or on page 23 of the digital […]

Pittsburgh Developer Taps into Emerging Flex-Industrial Sector

“Pittsburgh-based RIDC…is seeing a new type of property emerge in its core Pennsylvania markets: high-amenity flexible office-industrial space,” says Samantha Rowan in her recent article for Real Estate Finance & Investment Magazine. “The company, which works with a number of robotics-focused companies that include Carnegie Robotics, is seeing strong tenant demand for bicycle-friendly spaces with high-end coffee […]