Siemens Corporation Invests at RIDC Westmoreland

Siemens signs with RIDC in Westmoreland East Huntingdon Township, PA June 21, 2017 The Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RIDC) is pleased to announce a new long-term lease by the Siemens Corporation.  The Siemens Energy division of Siemens Corporation will locate in over 230,000 square feet of existing space in the 2 million […]

RIDC completes another transformation in RIDC Westmoreland

In the summer RIDC announced the signing of our 3rd major manufacturing tenant in RIDC Westmoreland, which was the former Volkswagen and former Sony complex.  Before the holidays, I had the chance to visit the space that Cenveo is now occupying.    In just a few months, RIDC worked with the new tenant on design, […]