TruFoodMfg, Long-Time O’Hara Park Tenant, Announces Expansion

Last Friday, TruFood Mfg held a press event and tour to highlight new investment for their growing business. State Senator Randy Vulakovich, Owner Pete Tsudis, Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin, and RIDC Senior Vice President Tim White (pictured right) were among the attendees. RIDC was awarded a $2 million, 15-year […]

ALMONO Construction Start Nears

Almono is happy to announce they went out to bid on the Phase 1 infrastructure work earlier in June.  The final permits are in motion, and the team feels confident that the project will have them in hand before awarding the bid. This project, which will include a complete street, main utility trunk, and green infrastructure, […]

Changes in Progress at RIDC Industrial Park

Change is in the air this spring at the RIDC Industrial Park.  In addition to the Township installing a pedestrian path and the Port Authority re-establishing bus service to the park, RIDC is making improvements to its building at the corner of Gamma and Alpha Drives.   RIDC is replacing all the “storefronts” on the outside […]

RIDC participates in DEP Brownfields conference in Erie

On May 14 & 15, RIDC staff participated in the annual Pennsylvania Brownfields conference held at the beautiful Bayfront Convention Center in Erie.  After 30 years of brownfield redevelopment experience, the RIDC team was happy to share best practices and lessons learned with others in the field.  Thanks to the Pennsylvania DEP and all the […]