In the News

RIDC wins award for industrial renovation
Former Heppenstall Building in Lawrenceville RIDC recently won the award for best industrial renovation from NAIOP Pittsburgh. This project took a vacant mill structure in Lawrenceville
RIDC completes another transformation in RIDC Westmoreland
In the summer RIDC announced the signing of our 3rd major manufacturing tenant in RIDC Westmoreland, which was the former Volkswagen and former Sony complex.
Exciting new developments in O’Hara
RIDC Industrial Park in O’Hara Township, first developed 50 years ago, was RIDC’s first business park. Because of park covenants that raised the standards for construction and
Tsudis Chocolates (now TruFood Manufacturing)
After leasing a 97,500 sq ft building in the RIDC Industrial Park for ten years and growing from a company of 35 employees to 200,
Carnegie Robotics
In 2014 RIDC started building out the former Heppenstall building, which is a 30,000 square-foot former industrial high-bay facility. The building is now a state-of-the-art space for

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