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In the News

January 8, 2025

Carnegie Robotics and Thoro.ai execs Embrescia and Mondi talk about company growth, revitalization of Lawrenceville

“To know the history of our company and how it interacts with RIDC, you have to know the history of Pittsburgh robotics,” said Carnegie Robotics Chief Development Officer Mike Embrescia. “When John Bares started Carnegie Robotics [in 2010], it was essentially in a trailer.”

Patrick Mondi, CEO of Thoro.ai talked about the dual purpose of RIDC: “Putting [real estate] product where it doesn’t exist with the visionary eye towards what the future needs are is the first prong, with the second prong being the catalytic benefits — the ripple effect that comes from that. We’re in Lawrenceville and we’re there because of the catalytic nucleus that was really forged by RIDC’s visionary work with robotics.”

Carnegie Robotics and Thoro.ai execs Embrescia and Mondi talk about company growth, revitalization of Lawrenceville – Pittsburgh Business Times

Embrescia joined RIDC President Donald F. Smith, Jr., and RIDC Chairman Sam Stephenson as well as Patrick Mondi, CEO of Thoro.ai, at RIDC’s Mill 19, for a discussion about the importance of large catalytic projects to economic development in the Pittsburgh region.